Archive for January, 2008


We made it to Dahab and it only took us 12 hours from the time we showed up at the port to the time we left the port in Egypt.  The ferry, that was supposed to leave at 12am ended up leaving at 2:30 and arriving at 8.  Then there was the usual middle eastern […]

Wadi Rum

Yesterday, after I met up with Drew (the kid I met in Petra), we had someone approach us on the street about a trip to Wadi Rum.  To make a long story short ( for once) we worked out a deal so that we would get transport to Wadi Rum in a 4×4 vehicle, straight […]

Petra, Jordan

The history of Petra is much to elaborate for me to go in to but it started with the Nabataeans.  Please check out the Wikipedia site, because they are better at explaining just about everything that I try and explain, although some of their material is questionable given that it is a non-profit encyclopedia. 
I woke up […]

Jordanian Hospitality

Hamada (the Egyptian dude) and his roomates had asked me to come back last night to hang out, so when I left the internet cafe last night I went on a hunt for their apartment.  As you can see from the pictures, Amman isn’t exactly on the grid system.  After what must have been about […]

Amman, Jordan

As I write this I am sitting in an internet cafe in Amman, Jordan.  The smoke filled room is fully equipped with mobile space heaters and until about five minutes ago I had Arabic music blaring in my face.  The owner had kindly given up his main computer because there were no computers open when […]

Making Moves

Here are some other photos that were taken by our group leaderand posted on the internet at this site” alt=”Floating in the Dead Sea. I’m in this picture, just not in the frame.”>

The trip ended on Wednesday night. Thursday, me and two friends went to Haifa, which is North of Tel Aviv, and went out […]


Hello everyone. I apologize for the lack of communication but the days have been long and we have done a lot in the past few days. Every morning we set our alarms for 6 and have the eaten breakfast and loaded the bus by 7:30 and tour around until we go to dinner at our […]

Tel Aviv

About 24 hours ago I arrived at the Miami International airport to meet up with my Taglit group. The security screening process that we all went through for EL AL airlines was the most thorough I have ever experienced. I was asked who I stayed with in Florida, how do I know them, […]